Saturday, September 10, 2011


Its September 10, 2011 and im feeling inspired by all the family's on this thing. I've read a few blogs about family's who have children with health problems and who are grieving a child. I want to thank them for being so open. In some way it helps me deal with the ups and downs and stress that i have been in lately. my daughter Emery has a heart defect. (HRHS,VSD,and ASD) she needs three heart surgerys before she turns 3 years of age.Ive known this since i was 4 months pregnant. she was born july 26,2011 and right away she had her first surgery on Aug.10th. which went very well and now is doing good at home.The second one needs to be when she is 5 to 6 months of age. the last one will be anytime before she turns 3. the past two weeks i have been feeling inspired by some of these family's that have opened up there lives to everyone, also for letting us join there emotional journey they are in. since these blogs have helped me i thought maybe i can help someone too with my story. so here i am ready to let anyone in on the ride. don't know what the outcome will be but all i know is this may be the best way for me to learn how to deal with my situation. from now on i will blog every feeling, thought.....good or bad on this thing. have to warn you guys not very good at spelling or writing  but i will try my best.


  1. Oh Jovanna, how far you've come since the days where you would only bring a pencil to school and forget paper, or vice versa. In a weird way I always felt like I wanted to look after you. You were so pure and fragile. How wrong I was. You have a strength and courage that puts my life to shame. I will be here to watch your ups and downs, and for that I am blessed. You inspire me and no doubt anyone else that has been graced by your presence. Your humble fears and strengths are all beautiful. The best of luck on your journey. xoxo-Kiko

  2. Jovanna, Annette again. I am glad your are doing this. You are such a wonderful mother! You inpire me and others to follow your footsteps. :) I know you are strong and always will be...and know that I will always be here for you and your family. After all our children are dating each other. :)

  3. Just stumbled across your blog - what a beautiful family you have! I'll be praying for your little girl!
